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The First Batch of golden Pompano Fry Exported From Zhanjiang, Guangdong

2024-04-29 11:27:19 [资讯] 来源:星光影视网在线观看

The<strong></strong> First Batch of golden Pompano Fry Exported From Zhanjiang, Guangdong_南方+_南方plus

Zhanjiang Customs District P.R. China released news on the 12th that 60,000 golden pompano fry from Zhanjiang Xinrui Aquaculture Technology Co., Ltd. farm was travelling to Malaysia after customs inspection and quarantine.

It is reported that this is the first export of golden pompano fry at Zhanjiang port.

Zhanjiang, honored as the “golden pompano capital of China”, is the natural farm for Guangdong to develop Marine pastures and create “blue granary”. In recent years, Zhanjiang has vigorously promoted the high-quality development of the golden pompano industry. The annual output of golden pompano is 100,000 tons, accounting for 40% of China's total. It has become the largest golden pompano breeding base in China.

According to the person in charge of Zhanjiang Xinrui Aquatic Technology Co., LTD., the company is a marine fry enterprise, the annual cultivation of golden pompano , grouper and other seawater fish fry more than 30 million. As the first golden pompano seedling breeding enterprise in Zhanjiang to obtain export qualification, the company made the first try to export golden pompano seedling.

The fishery seedling is the “chip” of aquaculture and it is also a key link in the construction of a modern marine ranch industrial chain from seed industry, aquaculture, equipment to sophisticated processing, Zhanjiang Customs District P.R. China said. To ensure the first export goes smoothly, the customs set up an expert group of agriculture, rural area and farmer to guide enterprises to improve their infrastructure and aquaculture management, epidemic prevention and disinfection and other systems, improve temperature control, oxygen supply, packaging, water exchange and other technical proposal during the transportation of fish fry, which help improving the transport survival rate. The first export help promoting great golden pompano industrial development through exporting golden pompano fry.




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